
CCC Presents New Party Logo


Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) Party has revealed its new party logo that is going to be used for its day to day running of the party’s business.

CCC took a tweet on its official Twitter handle yesterday to announce its new logo to its party supporters.

The party replaced its leader’s image in the old logo with sun in the new logo.

The Nelson Chamisa led party has told its party supporters that they are going to be using both of the party logos.

“We wish to notify you of our official logos for party and election business. The one with a white background and yellow circle at the centre is for party business while the one with the Change Champion in Chief’s image is our election symbol. Vote for Change!!!”

CCC Leader also took a tweet defining the meaning of the new logo to his party supporters.

“THE LOGO MEANING …New, Sunrise, Hope, Brilliance, Balance, Excellence, Fresh, Clean, Clear, Solid, Love, & Oneness…CITIZENS AT THE CENTRE,” said Chamisa.

The main opposition leader Chamisa formed CCC in January this year after a prolonged scuffle with arch-rival, MDC-T leader Douglas Mwonzora over the ownership of MDC Alliance name and symbols.

Mwonzora was claiming that the MDC brand belonged to his party and no other party non other that his party was to use the MDC brand.

Chamisa first announced that he formed a new party and later disclosed the party name and yellow as their party colour with a logo with his image.

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