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Zim Needs 3 200 More Schools – Mnangagwa


President Mnangagwa has revealed that ailing new Minister without Portfolio in the President’s office, Ambassador Cain Mathema had established that the country is in need of at least 3200 schools if it is to end learners walking more than 5-6 kilometres to school.

Addressing villagers in Mutoko where he was commissioning a food and vegetable processing plant at Tabudirira Vocational
Training Centre in Mutoko, Mashonaland East province, the head of state said, 

“On schools, it is unfortunate that our Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Cain
Mathema is not feeling well,” 

“We have since replaced him with Dr Ndlovu. But Minister Mathema had done an exercise
that seeks to establish how many more schools are required so that pupils do not walk for
more than five to six kilometres.”

“He did a research, which indicated that over 3 200 schools are required, so there is that
“So Minister Ndlovu will have to implement that programme and if we complete it, we
would now know that children in Zimbabwe no longer travel more than six kilometres.”

President Mnangagwa said Minister Ndlovu will have to superintend the establishment of
more than 3 200 schools across the country, the figure that Minister Mathema had identified
as an optimum number required for pupils not to walk more than six kilometres to the
next school.

Mnangagwa Clarifies On Mathema’s Re-assignment

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