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Mbuya Nehanda Nyakasikana Statue Finally Unveiled In Style


President Mnangagwa officially unveiled the statue of Mbuya Nehanda at the intersection of Samora Machel Avenue and Julias Nyerere Way in Harare’s central business district.

The unveiling coincided with the commemorations of Africa Day running under the theme “The Arts, culture and heritage: Levers for building the Africa we want”.

Speaking at the unveiling, President Mnangagwa said the statue was a symbol of the country’s rich past.

“The unveiling of the statue of Mbuya Nehanda Nyakasikana is the manifestation of the bold commitment to reconstruct our country’s rich past and history. It equally stands as a symbol of unity, identity and inspiration to present and future generations on the importance of unflinching patriotism loyalty fortitude and determination to defend and work for our beloved country against any odds,” said the President.

Immortalised through bronze, for future generations to gourd from history, the magnificent yet serene statue of Mbuya Nehanda stands tall like a guardian angel caring for the sons and daughters of Zimbabwe as they go about their business in Harare. It’s history cast in stone.

If the hands of time could be turned back, perhaps to 123 years ago, Zimbabweans and the world at large would catch a glimpse of where the iconic and inspirational legend used to quench her thirst.

The monument is not only a tribute to Mbuya Nehanda, but many other leaders of the First Chimurenga such as Chingaira Makoni, Mapondera, Chinengundu Mashayamombe, Chiwashira, Mkwati and Sekuru Kaguvi and other early gallant leaders who fought colonial occupation and subjugation are all deserving of national recognition.

On the main stage were Mbare Chimurenga Choir, Mbuya Stella Chiweshe and other musical groups that serenaded those gathered to witness the unveiling.

The statue was erected at the intersection for a reason. It is the same place where Mbuya Nehanda used to drink water and rest at the springs that were originally there. Now the City Presbyterian Church stands at Mbuya Nehanda’s source of water.

President Mnangagwa said the colonialists’ attempt to destroy the nation’s history by closing the springs had not worked.

“Mukaona panemiti iyi yakachengetwa apo, panekereke iripo, makarekare Mbuya Nehanda vachirwa nevauyi vasina mabvi, ndopakanga panetsime ravo pavaigara vachinwa mvura. Vavauraya, varungu vakauya vakafutsira vakavhara tsime iroro vakavaka kereke pamusoro vachiti tatsikirira tsika dzenyika yeZimbabwe. Nhasi mapfupa avo amuka tavaka mufananidzo wavo pano,” said President Mnangagwa to wild applause.

Africa Day is the annual commemoration of May 25, 1963, the day the African Union was founded.

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