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#MondayBlues Religious Espionage As Makandiwa loses 571 hard drives

However recently his esteemed "brother" and now appointed Zimbabwe's Ambassador at Large Uebert Angel was at the centre of a video alleging that Makandiwa had an extra marital affair.Prophet Jay Israel who uploaded the video and confession has since gone silent but alleged that Angel was out there to tarnish Makandiwa as he drove a narrative against his own.

Religious Espionage has hit Zimbabwe as rival church leaders are now stealing sensitive data in a game of dethroning each other TechnoMag can reveal.

The internet in the upcoming days is expected to be awash with hundreds of sensitive data from personal conversations, counselling and high level ministry discussions done and recorded by Emmanuel Makandiwa.

While the old warfares has always been taken to the pulpit, it seems that this time around, data has been at the centre of conflict with religious Espionage on the rise.

Church folks are now stealing and selling sensitive data, creating fake videos and some being used to black mail each other as they battle for relevance.

What has started off as a silent but fiery battle in the pentecostal churches has denigrated to a war of thrones in the prophetic movement in Zimbabwe.

Emmanuel Makandiwa started off on a heavily resisted path, breaking away from AFM to start his prophetic ministry, a move which ruffled feathers and created many internal and external enemies for him.

The biggest part of this warfare is allegedly driven by malice and jealous as he has grown his ministry so fast and huge in its shortest time since inception

Emmanuel Makandiwa has been highly revered as one of the most respected prophets without a scandal in Zimbabwe.

However recently his esteemed “brother” and now appointed Zimbabwe’s Ambassador at Large Uebert Angel was at the centre of a video alleging that Makandiwa had an extra marital affair.

Prophet Jay Israel who uploaded the video and confession has since gone silent but alleged that Angel was out there to tarnish Makandiwa as he drove a narrative against his own.

While many may have doubted Israel, critics said the video was very close to the truth as Angel may have felt that Makandiwa needed a bit of dirt as well against his profile.
Angel is alleged to have run away from the long arm of the law from Uk and is still wanted according to some unverified online reports.

However the latest espionage is pointed to some local prophetic churches who have always envied Makandiwa’s position.

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