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Children Schooling despite Covid , lack

She was emotionally touched by her father’s story that he went to school by working in other people’s fields to pay his educational fees from primary to secondary level. After critically thinking of Jesus’s humble place of birth (STABLE) and the philanthropic work of Dr. Srive and Mrs Tsitsi Masiyiwa(Econet Wireless Founders), Matthew Rusike and Mother Theresa, the quest of creating a stable foundation for children became her passion.In Centenary it expanded into foul projects, goats and gardening. The idea of “Pass It On” was suggested for the sake of continuity and sustainability as Blessing transferred to Umvukwesi Junior Primary School. As to date the vison has expanded from the local community to primary schools, secondary schools and to the local chief’s homestead where the organisation is set to launch “Dangaramambo” which will introduce the Chief’s Annual Stable Cheer Fund.

Blessing Nyamuparadza is seen holding a pigeon as a symbol of peace in Centenary/Muzarabani a subject she has understood personally and incalcated it to her peers who are living in abject poverty without any reason of knowing peace.

The form 3 girl has overseen the growth and expansion of Stable Children’s Foundation over the last 8 years a project she championed when she was only 7 years old and in grade two.

Stable Children’s Foundation was started by this girl child, as a means to inspire other Children’s schooling despite any insurmountable challenges before covid was an issue anywhere in the world which gives impetus to fighting and overcoming any covid related challenges.Blessing comes from Angwa, Chief Chisunga’s area of Mbire District in Mashonaland Central Province. To be exact her foundation now registered as a trust was founded in 2014 while she was in Grade 2 at Nyachuru Primary School in Mazowe District of Mashonaland Central Province, Zimbabwe after getting inspiration from the life of her father who is a pastor.

She was emotionally touched by her father’s story that he went to school by working in other people’s fields to pay his educational fees from primary to secondary level. After critically thinking of Jesus’s humble place of birth (STABLE) and the philanthropic work of Dr. Srive and Mrs Tsitsi Masiyiwa(Econet Wireless Founders), Matthew Rusike and Mother Theresa, the quest of creating a stable foundation for children became her passion.

An idea of starting a compassion ministry was conceived in her heart and a vision to become God’s hand extended to humanity in need became her call and divine mandate. Blessing approached her school’s authorities to seek permission of selling sweets and small items at school with the aim of assisting fellow disadvantaged learners. After much consideration and consultation with Blessing’s parents, the school head permitted her on the condition that they form a learner’s club to administer the project.

In Mazowe District a few children benefitted with the payment of fees, uniforms and learning material. The organisation built a two roomed house for a child headed family in Nyachuru Village. The project grew from profits made out of income generating projects and donations by well wishers. When Blessings’s father was transferred by the church to Centenary in 2015, it also meant that the vision had to expand to Muzarabani District which has a high level of child marriages, poverty, school dropouts, illiteracy, child pregnancy drug abuse and other social ills.

In Centenary it expanded into foul projects, goats and gardening. The idea of “Pass It On” was suggested for the sake of continuity and sustainability as Blessing transferred to Umvukwesi Junior Primary School. As to date the vison has expanded from the local community to primary schools, secondary schools and to the local chief’s homestead where the organisation is set to launch “Dangaramambo” which will introduce the Chief’s Annual Stable Cheer Fund.

Blessing and her family play and oversight role, to direct the vision’s branding, concepts and seeking partnerships for its continued growth and expansion to other institutions and communities. In due course Stable Children’s Foundation is set to launch The Chief’s Annual Stable Cheer Fund (Dangaramambo) in Mazowe District as a pilot project with the expectation of expanding the vision to other districts and provinces in Zimbabwe.

Not even lack nor covid-19 can stop an idea whose time has come for this young girl who is impacting young lives and all lives connected.

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