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Biden Appoints US Ambassador to Zimbabwe Sec of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs

Even where America lacked,The U.S. ambassador to Zimbabwe, Brian Nichols, gave powerful expression to a very different point of view in a statement he released on June 1. He acknowledged that he represents a country still working to realize its ideals, which aspires to be better for all of its citizens. Holding fast to that aspiration, he suggests, also compels the United States to speak out against injustice abroad—not from a position of supposed superiority, but in service of a mission to “meet the ideals of our founding.” To ignore human rights abuses, such as the abductions and assaults of political opponents and peaceful protesters that have occurred in Zimbabwe, would render America complicit in even more injustice.
Some takehome points that showed great diplomacy was when he said about Zimbabwe ,As Zimbabwe prepares for 2023 elections, government leaders and ordinary citizens alike must jump-start electoral reform to ensure the level playing field needed for free and fair elections. In doing so, I encourage all to reflect on the wisdom of National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman in her inaugural poem “The Hill We Climb”:

Brian A. Nichols, is Nominee for Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs.Nichols presented his credentials on July 19, 2018, as U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Zimbabwe. Ambassador Nichols previously served as the Ambassador to Peru from 2014 to 2017. He pioneered strategies against illegal gold mining, illegal logging, wildlife trafficking, and environmental degradation.He also defended human rights and his resume has certainly impressed his boss President Biden who has promoted him.

United States of America President Joe Biden announced his intent to nominate Daniel J. Kritenbrink to serve as Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, US Ambassador to Zimbabwe Brian A. Nichols to serve as an Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, and Brett M. Holmgren to serve as an Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research.

Brian A. Nichols, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service with the rank of Career Minister, currently serves as U.S. Ambassador to Zimbabwe. He was U.S. Ambassador to Perú from 2014 to 2017. Previously, Nichols served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). Prior to that he was a Deputy Assistant Secretary in INL. He also served as the Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá, Colombia, Director of the Office of Caribbean Affairs, and Counselor for Political Affairs at the American Embassy in Indonesia.

Earlier in his career, Nichols served as Deputy Political Counselor in Mexico. He also worked in the Office of UN Political Affairs, the Office of Central American Affairs, and the Executive Secretariat. Nichols began his Foreign Service career as a Consular Officer in Perú and then as a Political Officer in El Salvador. He received the 2016 Charles E. Cobb, Jr. Award for Initiative and Success in Trade Development, two Presidential Meritorious Service Awards, and 13 Senior Performance Awards. He speaks Spanish. A native of Rhode Island, he is a graduate of Tufts University.

Nichols leaves a permanent mark that can not be erased in Zimbabwe when he boldly stated ”we call on the Zimbabwean government to live up to the democratic ideals enshrined in its 2013 constitution, because we share Zimbabweans’ belief that a democratic government responsive and accountable to the people, provides the best means to achieve lasting peace and prosperity.

We call on the Zimbabwean government to respect freedoms of speech, assembly, and association, because we share Zimbabweans’ belief that respecting and acting on constructive dissent improves policy and strengthens democratic legitimacy.

And we call on the Zimbabwean government to stop arbitrary arrests to silence critics, because we share Zimbabweans’ belief that democracy can only thrive when their sons and daughters can speak truth to power.”

Meanwhile Daniel J. Kritenbrink, Nominee for Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific AffairsDaniel J. Kritenbrink, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, has been U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam since 2017 is fluent in Chinese and Japanese.Brett M. Holmgren, Nominee for Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research.

Persecution of Political Opponents Must End In Zimbabwe – UK Minister

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