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Govt blasted for neglecting artisanal mines


Government has been condemned for its failure to render adequate help to trapped miners in Bindura who got trapped few days ago.

At least 40 informal miners trapped underground after a shaft in a disused gold mine collapsed on Wednesday. Harare, Zimbabwe – Hope is fading by the day for 40 informal gold miners trapped in a collapsed mine in Bindura for more than 48 hours ago after rescue operations were stalled due to flooding,

Recently government failed to retrieve six bodies of miners trapped in a shaft at Matshetshe Mine in Esigodini since November 10.

Its almost 17 days after the miners got trapped and government has given up on efforts to retrieve them citing flooding.

Last week government declared that it was not possible to retrieve the bodies of the trapped miners because further attempts could result in more deaths.

A human rights activist, Effie Ncube has blasted the government for failing to rescue the miners and its exposes its inability to protect citizens from disasters.

“The failure to rescue miners at Esigodini mine shows that government is completely unable to protect citizens from hazards such as earthquakes, floods and other things,” Ncube said.

“We have a government that cannot protect people from hunger, from poverty and from diseases.

“It is a government that is able to oppress but not to liberate, to injure but not to treat and to suppress people but not to prosper them.”

The Chinese mining company operating in Premier estates Zimbabawe where 10 illegal miners were allegedly buried alive last week says it has halted search operations.
The halt Zhong Jin says will run until police produce concrete evidence there were indeed missing persons from the local community.

Ten persons were reportedly buried alive after the firm sealed some pits during a land reclamation exercise

According to police, only two bodies have been recovered from the rescue mission.

Illegal mining of gold, which poses serious safety risks, is rampant in Zimbabwe and results in deaths of several people every year.

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