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Striking Nurses finally freed as state fails to prove its case against them

SA Based Zim Nurse Marecha Alleges , Duped By Registrar Mrs Chaka (Zim Nurses Council)

Eleven of the thirteen nurses who were arrested on 6 July this year for allegedly staging an illegal demonstration against the government’s failure to meet their salary increase demands were on Thursday finally freed after the state failed to support its case against them.

On 6 July, police arrested thirteen nurses at Sally Mugabe Hospital and subsequently charged for contravening national lockdown regulations in terms in terms of section 5(3)(a) of Statutory Instrument 83 of 2020 Public Health (COVID 19 Prevention, Containment and Treatment Regulations) National Lockdown) Order, 2020.

Two were released on the same day after paying admission of guilt fines at Mbare Police Station.

The remaining eleven were later on temporarily released on ZWL$1000 bail each.

Their trial commenced on Tuesday 29 September 2020.

After the state failed to nail the medical practitioners, Mbare magistrate Shelly Zvenyika freed them on Thursday, 15 October 2020.

Speaking to this reporter the Zimbabwe Nurses Association President Enock Dongo confirmed their release, ” On the 15th of October 2020, the magistrate acquitted them , finding that the state had failed to prove its case to such an extent that it was not even necessary for our members to say anything in their defence,” reads part of the Association statement.

” We want to thank our legal team which was led by ZINA lawyers, Matizanadzo and Warhust legal practitioners, together with two lawyers from the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission who volunteered to assist, for their sterling work in representing our members.”

The 11 nurses are Ndadyei Gudza, Raikai Chibharo, Moses Sigauke, Michelle Magonye, Kumbirai Maiswa, Trish Chireka, Nyasha Kapesi, Evermay Chikoka, Lucas Sharara, Samson Gurupira and Laiza Magwizi.

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