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Chamisa Blasts by election Ban

This is the kind of apology that opens the heavens doors when you admit you have been wrong and in all humility Chamisa's wrong was accomodating these crooks without knowing they were in it for ulterior motives not to change the game and government but rather to maintain the status quo. This is the kind of apology that opens the heavens doors when you admit you have been wrong and in all humility Chamisa's wrong was accomodating these crooks without knowing they were in it for ulterior motives not to change the game and government but rather to maintain the status quo.

Opposition Leader for the MDC Alliance Nelson Chamisa has blasted government recent suspension of by elections which were scheduled for December.

The leader said the move is fraud and unconstitutional which should not be accepted.

Vice President Constantino Chiwenga banned the holding of by-elections which were scheduled fro December 5 citing COVID19 threat.

The suspension was issued through Statutory Instrument (SI) 225A of 2020.

In response to be suspension Chamisa ,” We have people who are in government out of a criminal conduct and fraud and they can only continue to be in government through fraud. Their foundation and framework is fraudulent and we cannot allow that to continue.”

The ban of elections was a huge blow to the MDC Alliance who were looking forward to return their recalled MPs by the MDC-T.

MDC-T has recalled close to 35 MDC Alliance MPs , councillors on accusations of supporting Nelson Chamisa.

Meanwhile , Zimbabwe Elections Support Network expressed concerns over the suspension taking the move as a curtail of the independence of Zimbabwe Electoral Commission undercutting Constitutional principles on freedom of expression.

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