General News

US$60 for Covid -19 tests at Ports of Entry


The government has announced that travelers coming into the country will be subjected to pay a non -negotiable nominal fee of US$60 for Coronavirus testing irrespective of having a Covid-19 free certificate or not.

During the 34th post Cabinet briefing , Information, Publicity and broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said funds realized from the testing will go towards replenishing of laboratory commodities.

“As a measure to guarantee the safety of travelers, Cabinet further resolved that in line with Statutory Instrument 216(5) Section 8, which requires travelers showing COVID-19 symptoms, whether or not they have a covid-19-free certificate to be tested, a nominal fee of US$60 be levied on travelers tested at ports of entry,” said Mutsvangwa “and that the proceeds be used to replenish laboratory commodities Metered taxi operations have been allowed to resume services to allow for the movement of tourists and citizens who are unable to use public transport.”

She said resumption of international flights and reopening of airports was on course with assessment of major airports having been completed.

“Cabinet wishes to reassure the public that the resumption of international flights and the imminent re-opening of Victoria Falls International Airport on 1 October 2020, is well on course and that the assessments of other major airports has been completed.”

Ports of entry are expected to open to the general public on 1 October after government eased Covid-19 lockdown restrictions.

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