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ZanuPf Throws Weight Behind Tagwireyi, although he Is not part Of the structures.


In an interesting turn of events, ZanuPf has responded heavy against the recently imposed sanctions, that were slept on Tagwireyi, a business man and financial supporter of the party.

in their statement Zanupf alleges that the US is bitter because they lost the Dema power project, read full statement.

Department: Information & Publicity
ZANU PF has noted and acknowledged the OFAC sanctions imposed on Mr Kudakwashe Tagwirei and Sakunda Holdings.

This comes as no surprise as these sanctions follow relentless orchestrated attacks over the past 12 months targeting the President CDE ED Mnangagwa, members of the First Family, Government of Zimbabwe and its institutions, ZANU PF and its Leadership.

Since the ZANU PF Government embarked on the Land Reform and Redistribution Programme in 2000, Zimbabwe has been wilting under the yoke of USA sanctions whose main objective has been, to quote former US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Mr Chester Crocker, “to make the economy of Zimbabwe scream and to separate ZANU PF from the people to achieve an illegal regime change.”

As such, these sanctions have targeted pillars of our political economy with a view to reversing the land redistribution program as the CIA succeeded in doing the same in Guatemala from 1951 when they toppled the legitimately elected President Juan Jacobo Arbenz Guzman who had embarked on a Land Reform exercise. In Zimbabwe, these machinations will never succeed.

Outsiders underestimate the grit and resilience of the Zimbabwean people. The 31 July antics were an attempt by USA sponsored forces to do a Guatemala on Zimbabwe. Such attempts will fail.
ZANU PF and the world at large is at a loss to understand the geo­political reasons motivating the Sole Global Super Power which the USA is; descending on a small country like Zimbabwe with a sledge hammer on the basis of falsehoods perpetrated by individuals and the 4000 NGOs or so it has sponsored to peddle lies and fake news against the ZANU PF Government and its National Leadership.

For the record, none of these 4000 NGOs are in the business of sinking boreholes, building clinics, hospitals or schools to meet the basic necessities of our people but peddling the regime change agenda in the majority of them.

ZANU PF is indeed perplexed that one of the basis for imposing the OFAC sanctions on the entities is the DEMA Diesel Power Project which was undertaken and intended by government to address in the shortest possible time, intermittent power shortages wreaking havoc in our economy and thereby disrupting production across all sectors in the economy.

The world needs to be told that the real concern of the USA concerning the DEMA Diesel Power Project is not about any alleged corruption but the failure to win the contract by a USA backed company, APR Energy.

President & First Secretary: Cde ED Mnangagwa, Vice President & Second Secretary Cde CDGN Chiwenga, Vice President & Second Secretary Cde KCD Mohadi, National Chairman: Cde OCZ Muchinguri‑Kashiri

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