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PAZ Condemns Government For Crumbling Public Healthcare Facilities


The public is rallying behind The Passenger Association of Zimbabwe (PAZ) and several other prominent figures to condemn the government for the failing public healthcare system and its shameful inability to offer the population access to essential healthcare treatments.

This comes after graphic images of accident victims at the Beitbridge District Hospital were being tend to with card boxes, lying on collapsing beds and covered with torn blankets. The disturbing images sent shockwaves through the country, sparking widespread outrages with several people demanding the government to take responsibility and be held accountable for their incompetence.

By Gamuchirai Mapako

The images making rounds on social media added fuel to an already burning fire. The healthcare system in Zimbabwe has been neglected and mismanaged for years and Non-governmental Organisations have been the ones to hide the government’s failures to some extent. However, with the recent funds freezing of USAID, things might only get worse.

The PAZ president did not shy away from showing his disapproval towards what he called “deplorable’’ state of the public hospitals, characterised by severe shortages of essential medication and medical supplies.

“We urge the government to prioritise our healthcare, ensuring that patients and accident victims receive timely, quality treatment without having to incur excessive costs. The scarcity of specialist doctors, including orthopaedic surgeons, further compounds the crisis. We demand urgent action,”

said Tafadzwa Goliath, the PAZ president.

Citizens have taken to social media to remind the government how they promised the people affordable, quality healthcare. But instead, health facilities are using cardboard boxes as casts to treat fractures, there is no clean water in public hospitals, patients are sleeping on torn hospital beds and most medications are being bought from pharmacies because the hospitals don’t have them readily available.

Gamuchirai Mapako

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