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National Hero, Makheti Ndebele Buried At National Heroes Acre


By Ross Moyo
Makhethi Ndebele, known by his nom de guerre Jack Mpofu, was today laid to rest at the National Heroes’ Acre in Harare.

The national hero, “Cde” Ndebele died last Saturday at his home in Cowdray Park, Bulawayo, at the age of 82.

Zimbabwe President Dr Emerson Mnangagwa presided this morning over the burial of the national hero.

A Lt Col (Rtd) chronicled the late national hero’s life during the liberation struggle and after independence expressing the Ndebele family’s gratitude to President Mnangagwa for recognising the national heroe’s contribution to the country.

When President Mnangagwa took to the podium to address the mourners, he described national hero Cde Makhethi Ndebele as a, “distinguished patriot and exceptional military instructor,” expressing his heartfelt condolences to the Ndebele family.
The President also chronicled Mpofu’s early life revealing,” he was trained at Morogoro Camp, Tanzania under Cde Albert Nxele. Some of the commanders at that camp were, Cdes, Ambrose Mutinhiri, Nikita Mangena, Munyanyi, Toyitoyi, Lukeout Masuku and Sam Mfakazi. Cde Jack Mpofu was later appointed to be an instructor at Morogoro before being deployed to the war front where he later suffered a serious injury.”

The President Mnangagwa said it was a shame that there is a, “deliberate and foreign-funded campaign aimed at decampaigning the country across all fronts of the social facets.”

The President called upon all citizens to shun these forces and unite in building the country reiterating the mantra: “Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo,” and that, “Zimbabwe remains a friend to all and enemy to none.”

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