Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) has resultedly in the translocation of 84 buffalos near Eaglemont Range in the Lowveld to Nuanetsi Range in Chiredzi.
Chief director for the Department of Vertinary Services in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Dr Pious Makaya remarked that buffaloes are carriers of foot and mouth diseases henceforth if there is no proper fence they become a dancer to the sorrounding communities.
” It’s my mandate to prevent and curb entry of diseases across the community and this move is meant to curb foot and mouth from the source and this exercise will cascade to every game park without proper fences for buffaloes”.
Provincial Veterinary Director for Masvingo province Dr Manyetu cited that the buffaloes had no ideal electric fence and the property owner was not capable to provide proper fencing which raised conflicts with local communities as they go astray.