General News

Speaker Launches Caucus On The Rights Of Persons With Disability


The Speaker of Parliament, Advocate Jacob Mudenda has launched the parliamentary Caucus on the rights of persons with disabilities.

Speaking recently at the official launch, Advocate Mudenda said the Caucus was based on the Constitution of Zimbabwe Section 22 (1), which states that, “The state and all institutions and agencies of government must recognize the rights of persons with physical or mental disabilities, in particular their right to be treated with respect and dignity”.

The caucus ensures that the voices and needs of those living with disabilities are heard and addressed positively. The program brings hope for the persons with disabilities and their families in the country. This opportunity should arise to increase the perspectives and the experiences of the marginalized community under the principles of inclusivity and equity of leaving no one and no place behind.

“I urge all stakeholders including persons with disabilities, government departments, organizations for persons with disabilities, families of persons with disabilities, civil society organizations, funding partners, disability service organizations and all development partners to work closely with the Caucus to address the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in Zimbabwe in various spaces including education, health, employment and participation in aspects of life and society”, said Mudenda.

Persons living with disabilities may not be able to change their disability status but they can be assisted by the community to adapt and adjust their life situations. The society has a duty to empower, uplift and ensure that they have same opportunities with everyone.

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