
Commuters And Residents Bemoan Smoke From Burning Dumps



The smoke from the dumping area near Mbare Musika International Terminus has led to an outcry by commuters and residents who live near the dump especially in the morning and evening which is the peak of activities and movement of people.

The refuse at the dump which piled and dumped by vendors, commuters, residents and City workers’ clean-ups is not collected but is instead burnt leading to air pollution and the releasing of toxins into the air which further results to the world climate change.

Residents who stay westward of the dump, which is along Seke Road and Chaminuka Street at place popularly known as Majorburg in Mbare and long and short distance travelers, who use this terminus in transit to various destinations are worried about the pollution and its negative effect to their health due to toxic pollutants.

Speaking to this publication Passengers Association Zimbabwe (PAZ) president Tafadzwa Goliath he said they calling upon Environment Management Agency (EMA) and the City of Harare to take action against the fire which constantly burns at the dump night and day and the heavy smoke.

“The situation at Mbare Msika bus terminus is worrisome smoke from the fire lighted up by people in a bid to get rid of litter and baggage is too much and we urge the city council that refuse collection should be frequent and consistent. Please relevant authority heed this call, particularly City of Harare and EMA”.

One of the vendors who chose to be anonymous said they are now opting to wear face masks especially in the morning and evening because the smoke will choking a threat to their health as well.

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