General News

Human Rights Defender Living ln Fear

 Renowned human rights defender Leo Chamahwinya is now living in fear after one of the newpapers carried out an article which linked him to regime change agents in Zimbabwe.
Chamahwinya told this publication  that he is  not a regime change agent and has never participated in any actions which are criminal. These malicious articles if anything are  precursor to persecution and abductions.
“History teaches us that whenever the state wants to prefer flimsy and baseless  charges against human rights defenders they start by throwing allegations in newspapers and later pounce on activists”, he lamented.
Leo  is a peace loving Zimbabwean who believe in legitimate transfer of power and has never advocated for regime change in Zimbabwe.
The allegations are malicious, baseless and are meant to intimidate human rights defenders who are  tirelessly working for the establishment of an environment which promotes and protect the rights of Zimbabweans.
Zimbabwe government is in a process of enacting Private Voluntary Amendment  Bill and this bill among other things will closes and shrink the operating space for NGOs and has the potential of criminalising the work of human rights defenders in Zimbabwe.

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