
Epileptic Driver Dies After Falling Off His Tractor


An epileptic Driver died after being ran over by a Massey Ferguson 275 tractor which he was driving after falling off.


The Zimbabwe Republic Police in Mashonaland Central confirmed the incident and went on to warn with patients suffering from epilepsy to avoid driving vehicles.


Inspector Milton Mundembe, Mashonaland Central police spokesperson said on January 23 around 4 pm, Rasmos Chipatali (52) was driving a Massey Ferguson 275 tractor with two passengers riding on the mudguard towards Montdore, Shamva from Madhishi claim.

On approaching the 25km peg along the road, he suffered epilepsy resulting in him losing control of the tractor.


He fell off the driving seat and was run over by the rear right wheel of his tractor resulting in his death on the spot.

His passengers jumped off while the trailer dislodged and rested on a tree.


The deceased suffered severe head injuries that resulted in his death.


Inspector Mundembe warned members of the public who suffer from epilepsy from driving as it may pose danger to their lives, passengers and other road users.

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