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Mkwananzi Rubbishes Claims Recalled CCC MPs File For Re-election As Independent Candidates


The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi has Rubbished as false claims that Recalled CCC MPs including his deputy Hon Gift Ostallos Siziba today Filed For Re-election As Independents.

This follows recalls by the self-proclaimed CCC Secretary General SG SengezoTshabangu who had Fielded his own Parallel Candidates.

Contacted for comment on whether it was true that CCC candidates had filed as Independents to avoid further recall embarrassments by the self proclaimed CCC SG, the Citizens official Spokesperson Rubbished the claims telling TechMag TV,

“It’s not true. Follow the nomination process.”

Four candidates have so far successfully lodged their papers today in Bulawayo for the Pelandaba-Tshabalala constituency.

These are Ms More blessing Tshuma of the CCC party, Mr Gift Ostallos Siziba of the CCC party, Mr Joseph Tshuma of Zanu Pf party, and Mr Abraham Yona Nkomo of the DOP party.

In a twist of events though, CCC’s Admire Chivero reportedly filed his papers as an independent according to reports coming from the nomination court.

Zanu Pf also made were they stand known with their chief election agent, A Mukutuma confirming Zanu Pf’s candidature and also the sudden twist by one CCC candidate into running as an independent,

“Reporting from the Nomination Court in Chinhoyi and as the Chief Elections Agent for Dr Shakemore Wellington Timburwa of the Zanu Pf party I wish to announce that the following 3 aspiring candidates have successfully filed their papers and were duly nominated to represent their respective parties as members of Parliament for Chegutu West Constituency as follows :

1 Dr Shakemore Wellington Timburwa –
Zanu Pf

2 Gift Konjana – CCC

3 Admore Chivero -Independant.”

The nomination court has sat in Bulawayo, Chegutu and other provinces today to receive applications from aspiring candidates for the aforementioned National Assembly constituencies.

Some constituencies have already had their on by-elections cancelled including Mabvuku Tafara were gold mafia kingpin Scot Sakupwanya was declared by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) winner uncontested after controversially barring the man who beat Scott resoundingly last time they met in the electoral ring.

CCC candidates recalled recently filed nomination papers for re-election today in defiance of the self-proclaimed party interim secretary general Tshabangu who initiated the expulsion from Parliament.

Seen as a Zanu Pf stooge (chidhura in vernacular) in CCC President Advocate Nelson Chamisa’s words, SG Tshabangu fielded his own candidates under the CCC banner.

The recalled CCC MPs were elected directly through the ballot while other MPs are beneficiaries of the proportional representation dispensation.

Following today’s nomination process in Bulawayo, the recalled MPs namely the already mentioned Gift Siziba(Pelandaba Tshabalala), Desmond Makaza (Mpopoma-Mzilikazi), Eric Gono (Lobengula-Magwegwe), Nichola Watson (Bulawayo South), Obert Manduna (Nketa) and Pashor Raphael Sibanda (Cowdray Park) are all expected to successfully file their papers as Siziba did earlier.

SG Tshabangu also fielded his candidates in these constituencies, namely, Moreblessing Tshuma to fight it out with Chamisa’s CCC Firebrand Deputy Spokesperson Siziba as Tshabangu had Fielded in the previous by elections Charles Moyo (Mpopoma-Mzilikazi), Tendai Nyathi (Lobengula-Magwegwe), James Sithole (Bulawayo South), Ambrose Sibindi (Nketa) and Vusumuzi Chirwa (Cowdray Park).

Representing ZANU PF in Pelandaba Tshabalala is Joseph Tshuma as they were represented in other constituencies by Dzingai Kamamba (Mpopoma-Mzilikazi), Menziwa Dube (Lobengula-Magwegwe), Raj Modi (Bulawayo South), Albert Mavhunga (Nketa), and Arthur Mujeyi (Cowdray Park).

The by-elections are set for sometime in February next year.

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