
Byo Man Kills Brother Over US$20


A 19-year-old man from Mabutweni struck his elder brother to death with a log after accusing him of spending his share of US$20 that came from rentals of their home.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Assistant Insp Msebele said on August 5 this year the now deceased Gift Mpofu (38) received rentals from a tenant and used it without the knowledge of his younger brother Gibson Mpofu.

On Wednesday the accused went home around 3 am, visibly drunk and demanded his share of the money.

“The now-deceased notified his brother that he had used the money. This angered the accused who then took a 50m log and started assaulting his brother all over the body until he fell. The elder brother called for help as he was having difficulties breathing until he died.

The accused tried to run away but was apprehended by members of the neighbourhood watch committee who also made a police report.

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