By Tarisai Mudahondo
Amnesty International Zimbabwe hosted a one-day training workshop on sexual and reproductive health and rights in the capital Harare yesterday.
Health experts who presented took time to unpack what Obstetric Fistula is and how it has been a cause for concern to many mothers in this country especially child mothers.
Obstetric Fistula was defined as a hole in the birth canal caused by obstructed labour, it is caused by prolonged labour without access to timely media treatment.
Amnesty International Zimbabwe Campaigns Coordinator Roselina Muzerengi shed more light on the link between child marriages and obstetric fistula.
“lt is a traumatic childbirth injury that robs a woman of her health, rights and dignity and we are adamant to fight the abuses of human rights.
“We have reached out to people in the rural people to educate them on this dilemma and we have engaged artists to demonstrate Obstetric Fistula to enhance better understanding because many people confuse it with urine, and informing them that it can be treated”.
Amnesty International Zimbabwe campaigns for world human rights and it takes injustice personally.