
Lightning Strikes Mliswa’s Homestead


Themba Mliswa’s home in Shurugwi was completely destroyed by lightning last week Sunday, TechnoMagTV has learnt.

Mliswa posted on his X account explaining what had transpired that same night, “Very sad that we recently suffered a lighting attack in my rural area of Shurugwi. I was supposed to be there on Sunday night when the lightning struck but was held at the farm and arrived only after. Thank God that no one was hurt. It’s nature and l thank God nevadzimu vangu.

“However, at a human level, what is the Government policy relating to such issues of lightning and other natural disasters? As a legislature, these are some of the issues to raise in the August House. Is there any Disaster Fund to assist those who face such challenges,” wrote Mliswa.

He also shared the before and after pictures of his house (s) where he also stated that it was a village, he hosted his events in one of the gazebos before the lightning incident.

He further said this; “The before and after lightning images below show the level of the devastating inflicted village. However, the King will rise again. When one place is destroyed, one has to build a bigger and a better one.”

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