
Tshabangu Appoints Three Nomination Court Signatories


Controversial Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) Interim Secretary General Sengezo Tshabangu has written to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) Chief Election Officer informing him about the names of people who will be responsible for undersigning CCC candidates’ Nomination Court papers ahead of the December 9 2023 elections.

In his letter, Tshabangu identified Mbuso Sisi, Jabulani Ncube and himself as the three people who would be responsible for clearing CCC candidates who would take part in the coming election.

“Pursuant to Statutory Instrument 188 of 2023, proclaiming by-elections to be held on December 9 2023, and fixing of 7 November 2023as the date on which the Nomination Court shall sit, I write in terms of section 46(1)(c) and (2) of the Electoral Act (chapter 2:13) to submit the designated officials of the Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) who are authorised to undersign the nomination papers of our party’s approved candidates,” wrote Tshabangu.

In addition, Tshabangu emphasised in his letter that no person or individual is authorised to countersign the nomination papers for CCC’s approved candidates ahead of the by-election.


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