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Mwonzora Official Files Court Appeal To Postpone Elections


MDC President Douglas Mwonzora has officially filed an application to the Constitutional Court of  Zimbabwe to postpone the upcoming 2023 Harmonised elections.

In an interview with Technomag, MDC Presidential Spokesperson Llyod Damba said they filed an court application to postpone the elections because the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) delimitation report does not adhere with the Constitution of Zimbabwe.

“The main reasons why we have made this application is simply because the delimitation report did not adhere strictly with some of the provision of the Constitution of Zimbabwe especially Section 160. As an example the 20% threshold which must be between constituency in Zimbabwe was not adhered to.

“Some other constituency have about 63 000 voters and some other have 22 000 and others 33 000 making a difference of 450 000 voter who have been excluded to vote on their respective constituencies and we have got about 3 500 houses units in Bulawayo which were not covered by the delimitation report.

“If you multiple that by 5 you are going to discover that almost 15 000 people have been omitted by this report meaning that we have got 3 wards in Bulawayo that have been deleted automatically and if you look at the numbers that I’m talking about you will discover that 35 constituencies were omitted here in Harare Province. Instead of 35 they gave Harare Province just 1 constituency making them 30.

Damba went on to say that they expect the Court to annul the delimitation report.

“So, we are saying if we go around the country, you see that the anomalies in all this delimitation exercise that was done. What we are expecting is the delimitation report must be annulled by the court and we are expecting a new delimitation process to be taken and we expecting that President Mnangagwa is not going to proclaim using this delimitation report because it is unlawful.

He further said the Delimitation Report is unconstitutional, unlawful and a farce as he highlighted that it did not consider views of stakeholders like the Adhoc Parliamentary Committee yet Parliament plays an oversight role in the country.

“There is also another important factor that I think the people of Zimbabwe must consider, it is the factor of coordinates that ZEC is using they are not  found here in Zimbabwe they are found somewhere  in the Atlantic Ocean, Jupiter and Mars they have not named the polling station by their names for example Pfumo Primary School no one will know these co-ordinates no one will know this coordinates especially those in the Rural areas.

“So, we are simply saying that this whole election process, this delimitation process must just be annulled by the court,” said Damba.

Audience Mutema

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