General News

CCC Calls For The Involvement Of Agents In The Announcement Of Presidential Results.


Citizens Coalition for Change has called for the involvement of agents of the participation candidates in the announcement of the Presidential results.

Addressing journalists at a press briefing Legislator for Binga North Prince Dubeko Sibanda said Section 110 subsection 3 needs to be amended in the sense of collation of figures, that would have come from the polling stations.

“We have also made a proposal that the procurement, design and security of the ballot paper should be agreed upon by the contestants and again that is the best practice that we have seen happening in our neighbour’s jurisdiction.

“We also believe that Section 110 subsection 3 especially paragraph C and F of the current Act needs to be amended in the sense that collation, addition and tabulation of the results that are received at the national results centre.

“In terms of that Act results are simply revealed and done by the CEO without the involvement of the agents of the participants in the Presidential elections similarly the announcements of results in terms of the law seems to ignore the fact that before an announcement is made the agents of the participants in that election should validate those results as being correct collation figures that would have come from the polling stations and as a result we believe that particular Section should be amended.”

Sibanda also added that CCC made proposal of an Adhoc Committee which will be responsible for transition of power.

“And then finally we believe that our Electoral Amendment Law has got a big gap, it is a law that talks about declaration of Presidential results but does not speak about the transition of power therefore, we have made a proposal that there should be an Adhoc Committee which is responsible for transferring power from a previous government to a new government which would have been declared by ZEC. In that regard we have proposals of who shall comprise of that committee,” he said.

He went on to call for a mandatory provision in the Electoral Amendment Bill that calls for the recognition of prisoners and diaspora vote.

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