Following the chaotic land invasions of 2000, many white farmers lost thousands of their farms to Land hungry Zimbabweans and war veterans who led the farms takeover. Yet 23 years later instead of returning an eye for an eye, the British government has actually Given a black Zimbabwean farmer land to farm on. The holy bible says, When you do good to your adversary who has wronged you, “You heap coals of fire on someone’s head,” This means you “cause someone to feel remorse by returning good for evil:” according to Prov. 25:22.
A Black Zimbabwean was Given a big massive Farm In UK While Mnangagwa’s government is accused of Evicting White Farmers And Grabbing Their Land.
According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the UK government has given a farm to a Zimbabwean staying in the country even though Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration is evicting white farmers and grabbing their farms.
A former Zimbabwean journalist, David Mwanaka (57) will grow white maize and jelly melon at his newly acquired farm.
Mwanaka is one of seven recruits joining more than 160 tenants on Cambridgeshire County Council’s 33,000 acres (13,340 hectares) estate.
Recently Zanu PF party activists in Mwenezi evicted a white farmer grabbing his farm with the white farmer and a dozen of his workers staying in the cold since their displacement.
The former Zimbabwean journalist said Securing a tenancy “was a dream come true” for him and his wife, after starting with a few acres 20 years ago.
Mwanaka will farm 364 acres (147 hectares) at Landbeach, just north of Cambridge, the first time him and his wife Brenda have secured a long-term farm tenancy.
“For past 20 years, we’ve been working so hard, so it was a dream come true for us,” he said.
“We cried with excitement at the news, we’re overjoyed.”
Mwanaka was a journalist in Zimbabwe before moving to the UK in 1991 and according to him, after doing a variety of jobs, he “became fed up with formal employment” and decided to grow some of the foodstuffs he missed from home.
“I realized there was a vacuum between what’s grown in this country and what’s sold,” he said.
At first he was told it would be impossible to grow the sub-Saharan staple white maize in the UK, but rented 10 acres (four hectares) in Enfield, London to try it out.
Mwanaka now grows 100 acres (40 hectares) of white maize on a 150 acres (60 hectares) farm at Ware, Hertfordshire, alongside white sweetcorn, mustard greens, jelly melons and pumpkins – for their leaves as well as fruits.
“We sell the white maize all over the UK but it has a shelf life of one day, so you have to pick and deliver it on the same day – or freeze it,” he said.
As a farming couple, they commute from Basildon, Essex, so are looking forward to living on their new farm at Landbeach.
Lucy Nethsingha, the council’s chair of strategy and resources, said the new recruits will “join other tenants who continue to work hard, evolve farming practiced and work to promote the enhancement of biodiversity”.
The Apostle Paul also talks about a key principle found in Romans 12:17, “Do not repay anyone evil for evil.” Paul goes on to explain how we should strive for peace and allow God to avenge any wrongdoing, for getting revenge is not our job. We are to use good to fight evil—just as Jesus did.
“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.” —Romans 12:14
Then we get to verse 20, when Paul says something a little perplexing, considering he was just telling us to be a blessing to those who persecute us: “…if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head” (Romans 12:20, emphasis added).
The British government has actually heaped coals on the Zimbabwean government by doing the exact opposite of what was done to their kith and kin whose land was dispossessed.