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Kariba to increase power generation from February


The Zambezi River Authority has raised hopes that power generation at   Kariba Dam could increase by February following increased inflows into the dam.

The ZRA chief executive officer Mr Munyaradzi Munodawafa said that the rising water levels in the dam  provides optimism that power generation will increase to 400MW for both Zimbabwe and Zambia.

”The two utilities (ZESCO Limited and ZPC) will maintain combined average generation output at Kariba at 500MW, that is, 250MW ZESCO and 250MW ZPC to the end of January 2023 after which they could increase to 400MW per power station as the flows of the mainstream Zambezi River further increase during both the months of February and March and into the second quarter of the year 2023,”he said.

In November, the ZRA announced that water levels e were concerningly low as climate change-induced rainfall draughts persisted.

This led to the Zimbabwe Power company reducing power generation in order to preserve water in the dam and to avoid a complete shutdown of the hydropower stations that serve both Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Meanwhile the Zambezi River Authority revealed that the  Zimbabwe Power Company will pay 1.8 million dollars for 11.12 percent overutilization of water above allocation.

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