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Chitando Announces Ban Of Base Mineral Ores Not Beneficiated


Zimbabwe Minister of Mines and Mining Development Hon Winston Chitando has successfully Banned the Export Of Unbenecifiated Base Mineral Ores.

Chitando announced the ban of unbenecifiated base mineral ores except under a written permit only by him as Minister of Mines and Mining Development.

Chitando explained Base minerals mean all minerals and mineral substances, other than the nuclear energy source material, precious metals, precious stones, mineral oils, natural gases, and coal.

The nation boasts of over 40 mineral deposits, hence the mineral revenue potential of the economy continues to rise due to firming global commodity prices.

Mining activities are poised to become a US$12 billion industry this year due to new projects According to Chitando’s famous Usd$12 Billion Mining Economy.

Resource extractive sectors though capital intensive is emerging as one of the key economic drivers in terms of export earnings

Honourable Chitando read the riot act by enacting the new SI which states that:

Statutory Instrument 5 of 2023, Minister of Mines and Mining Development Winston Chitando (MP) issued the Base Minerals Export Control (Unbeneficiated Base Mineral Ores) Order, of 2023.

“The order bans the export of unbenecifiated base mineral ores except under a written permit from the Minister with immediate effect. Part of the order reads:

“No unbeneficiated base mineral ores shall be exported from Zimbabwe to another country except under written permit of the Minister given in either of the following circumstances of written application to him by any miner or other interested person-

(a) the export of any unbeneficiated base mineral ore in respect of which the applicant produces compelling reasons to the Minister showing that no such ore is capable of being beneficiated to any extent within Zimbabwe, or

(b) the export of samples of any unbeneficiated base mineral ore for assaying outside Zimbabwe, upon production of proof satisfactory to the Minister that such assay cannot be satisfactorily done in Zimbabwe and that the quantity to be exported for that purpose is necessary for that purpose.

“The Base Minerals Export Control (Unbeneficiated Lithium Bearing Ores) Order, 2022, published in Statutory Instrument 213 of 2022 is repealed (without, however, affecting the validity of anything done by the Minister under that Order).

Only towards new year, Chitando banned the export of raw lithium in an effort to promote value addition and beneficiation of the mineral.

Chitando’s move is aimed at ensuring the maximum value of earnings as under the arrangement, any base metal that has not undergone processing within the country will not be exported.

Many of these base metals under the latest regulations also include coal, concentrates, slags, tailings, coke and iron, and chrome but not limited to that.

They also include lithium, tantalite, manganese, copper, cobalt, tin and asbestos.

This implies that no unbeneficiated base minerals shall be exported from Zimbabwe to another country without a written permit by the Minister of Mines and Mining Development.

It must be noted those found exporting unprocessed raw base minerals will either be fined in a manner exceeding level nine or twice the value of the base mineral or imprisoned for two years.Offenders may even be sentenced to both a fine and imprisonment.

This move is being made when Zimbabwe is forging ahead with ensuring that the mining sector plays an important role in economic development.

Under-declaration of revenues by some miners, has seen it fit for the government to focus on the processing of mineral commodities to get real value on earnings.

Zim Produces 35, 3 Tonnes Gold, Beyond 35 Tonne Target Contributing To Usd$12 Billion Mining Economy

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