
Cabinet Urges Ministers To Lead Teams To Boost Vaccination Uptake


Cabinet has urged Ministers to lead teams to all provinces to ramp up vaccination uptake as the vaccination levels are now low in several provinces.

Speaking at the Post Cabinet Briefing Tuesday, Minister of Information Publicity and Broadcasting services Monica Mutsvangwa highlighted that they is need to boost the vaccination level in Harare Province and several other provinces.

“Cabinet received an update on the Country‘s Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic and a Report on the Procurement and Roll-Out of Vaccines, as presented by the Chairman of the Ministers’ Committee on the National COVID-19 Response, Vice President and Minister of Health and Child Care, Honourable Dr. C.G.D.N. Chiwenga.

“The nation is advised that, as at 20th November 2022, the country’s cumulative cases since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 stood at 258 914, with 252 762 recoveries and 5 616 cumulative deaths. The recovery rate was 98%, with 516 active cases having been reported. The pandemic remains under control.

“To maintain the situation, Cabinet agreed that all Ministers will lead teams to all provinces across the country to ramp up vaccination uptake, with special focus on Harare, where the vaccination levels are low, and other provinces such as the Midlands and Mashonaland West, where the second dose vaccination levels are low as well.

Cabinet also reviewed its plan to introduce an annual Covid-19 re-vaccination exercise across the country.

“Regarding the national vaccination programme, Cabinet wishes to inform the nation that, as at 20 November 2022, a total of 6 565 695 first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine had been administered, while 4 933 944 people had received their second dose, and 1 225 359 their third dose. This translates to a national coverage of 58.4%. Accordingly, an annual COVID-19 re-vaccination exercise will be introduced across the country,” said Mutsvangwa.

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