General News

Former AAG President Mike Chimombe Granted $50K Bail


Harare Magistrate Dennis Mangosi has granted ZWL $56 000 bail to President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ally Mike Chimombe.

Chimombe was arrested on Monday on allegations of US$16 900-00 fraud.

As part of his bail conditions, Chimombe was ordered to reside at his given address, to not interfere with witnesses.

He will be back in court on October 26, he was represented by Tapson Dzetere.

According to court papers, “ In that on the date unknown to the prosecutor but from period stretching from 05 August 2020 up to 10 March 2022 and at number 05 Morton Jefferey Road Eastlea, Harare Mike Chimombe acting in connivance/ common purpose with Hermysh Katande and Steven Chimombe with intention to defraud Brian Marugamise unlawfully made a misrepresentation that they were owners and sellers of a residential satnd namely stand 18000 Remainder of Lot 12 Tynwald Township, Harare measuring 558 square meters. As a result of this misrepresentation Brian Marugamise paid a total of US$16 900-00.

“Whereas in the truth and actual fact when Mike Chimombe made the said misrepresentation(s) intending to deceive, or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility of deceiving Brian Marugamise of his financial prejudice. Mike Chimombe caused Brian Marungamise to act to his financial prejudice of US$16 900-00.

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