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Makandiwa Adamant on Prophetic Challenge as he addresses world


By Ross Moyo
United Family International Church (Ufic) founder Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa remained adamant yesterday on his prophetic challenge after addressing the world online on his US$1 Million Prophecy contest.

Addressing followers on his YouTube channel Makandiwa said all participants will not be required to pay anything, stating categorically clear that: those taking part

“ are not going to be paying anything. You’re not going to be losing anything.”

The much sought after Prophet said no Prophet Is 100% precise just as he is not always 100% correct, questioning why people fully commit to any prophet as ”all prophets prophesy in part and see in part, they do not see everything.”

Makandiwa was speaking candidly from the scriptures as only Jesus could prophesy 100% and only Jesus Christ who was both man and God 100% was and will always be 100% and only him deserves people’s 100% commitment not man like him who are fallable like the first Adam who sinned and brought sin with him upon every human being and adamic nature that cannot be perfect 100%.

“If I were to participate, I know I would miss because no one sees everything,” said Makandiwa last night in his address that captured millions of viewers worldwide.

Earlier on Zanu Pf sympathizer Who goes by the moniker Sir Wicknell Said Makandiwa would lose that million fast if the young millionaire brought prophets from his Ho sect stating in vernecular, “Kanoenda Masikati Machena”: meaning that little one million will vanish earlier than you thought.

The world’s leading prophet however for the avoidance of doubt made it pot and clara that his challenge is not about money but about revealing the truth on what is of God and what is not of God.

“It is not about money at all,” said God’s General of the Prophetic adding, “This is an experiment to save lives and expose falsehoods. Churches have focused too much on theory and neglected practicals. This exercise will open hearts, rebuke spirits, and expose rituals.”

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