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Of Zimbabwe’s Fake Academic Credentials Epidemic


The sacredness of education has been desecrated, what used to be earned through a culmination of years, hard work and late nights, can now be obtained in a day or two depending on the individual’s influence and wallet. And all it takes is a willing participant, conman, a gown, a few photographs of the well-orchestrated event to post on social media and legitimise the fake credentials.

A thorough investigation was recently carried out and it exposed an elaborate, broader scam involving multiple socialites, politicians and Zimbabwean legislators flaunting counterfeit degrees. A handful of influential figures in Zimbabwe have been proved to be academic frauds who faked, philosophy doctorates (PHDs). On a normal day, most people would laugh it off, however, the individuals implicated in these scandals’ proximity to power is what is worrying the Zimbabwean nation.

By Gamuchirai Mapako

The Zimbabwean citizen has unknowingly trusted “decorated fools” to put the country on the map in terms of infrastructural development, healthcare, technology and the overall well-being of the nation in entirety.
The alarming number of bogus PHDs unveiled is a sign of the lack of real consequences to such actions. Only a few individuals have faced the music to some extend but were never punished. Due to this, more and more people have become even more brazen.

The newly discovered unhealthy obsession with being a graduate is a result of the fact that academic titles or certificates are frequently interpreted in Zimbabwe as implying legitimacy, intelligence, and influence.
After several warnings, from authorities and the common folk, the cancer is still spreading.

The Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE) released a press statement stating,

“We take the integrity of higher education system in Zimbabwe very seriously and we will not tolerate any attempts to undermine it”.

The satisfaction that comes with wearing the cap of knowledge remains irresistible and more fraudulent “doctors” keep mushrooming on almost a monthly basis. The advancement of technology also now enables any Zimbabwean even without ties to political powers to become a degree holder. When all is said and done, what does this entail for the real degree holders?

Gamuchirai Mapako

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