
Zim’s National Archives Holds Vast Amount Of Undigitalized Data


Zimbabwe’s data collection mechanisms are crucial for informed on-making and driving economic growth, currently the country has made strides in digitizing data collection though much is yet to be captured, data has been captured particularly in the health sector, through initiatives like the National Digital Health Strategy 2021-2025 and the Electronic Health Records (EHR) system.

However, there’s still a need for comprehensive data governance policies to ensure data accessibility and Budiriro South Legislator Hon Darlington Chigumbu reflected that Zimbabwe national archives holds vast amounts of undigitalised data while he was speaking during the recently held Tech Convergence Fora hosted by TechnoMag in Harare.

“Zimbabwe’s national archives hold vast amounts of undigitalized data hindering its potential for informing policy decisions and driving growth and this limits access to relevant data hampers for university students’ research and innovation, particularly in sectors like banking, agriculture, and health”.

To address these challenges Chigumbu suggested the development of comprehensive data governance policies, Investments in digital infrastructure and data digitalization and fostering regional collaborations and knowledge sharing which will establish open-access data policies for research and innovation.

He further urged collaboration with neighboring countries for Al development and data sharing and harnessing data insights for informed policy decisions for sustainable development.

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