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Government Aims To Generate US$74 Million From Radio, TV Licenses


Government will soon requires vehicle owners to obtain a radio license before they can secure a vehicle license or insurance coverage; the initiative aims to generate approximately US$74 million annually for the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC).

This development follows the approval of the Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill by Cabinet Ministers on Tuesday, September 17.

With vehicle radio licenses priced at US$23 per quarter and US$92 per year, this could generate a minimum of US$73.6 million in potential annual revenue for the ZBC.

According to Zimbabwe National Roads Agency (ZINARA) currently  Zimbabwe has 1.2 million registered vehicles, but only 800,000 motorists are paying their licenses.

During a post-Cabinet media briefing, Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services Minister Jenfan Muswere announced that the Cabinet has adopted the Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill, which was presented by Justice, Legal, and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi, who chairs the Cabinet Committee on Legislation. He said:

The major objective of the Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill is to align the Broadcasting Services Act [Chapter 12:06] with the constitution and also with the Public Entities Corporate Governance Act.

The Bill will also provide a new provision, which will prohibit the Zimbabwe National Road Administration and every motor insurance cover to sell a motor vehicle licence and motor insurance policy respectively to individuals without the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation current radio licence or an exemption certificate from the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation, unless the vehicle to be insured is not equipped with a radio signal receiver.



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