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Zvikomborero Farm Cries Foul Over Agric Show Awards


Zvikomborero Farm a Private Limited farm has cried foul following the breach of formalities of entry in the Livestock Division Competition by the Organisers at the just ended Agricultural Show.

Dr.Divine Simbi-Ndhlukula who is the Managing Director at the farm citied that there were countless anomalies that caused her not to participate in the competition which she had passionately prepared for.

Simbi-Ndhlukula in her letter addressed to the Andrew Matibiri who is the ZAS Executive Officer on Monday last week,she raised her concerns saying that she had engaged Noah Matimba and other committee members statign that Article 9 of the Livestock Entries Booklet stated that the breeder of an animal must be the owner of the dam at the time of birth of the animal entered for dispaly.

She further noted that the stock presented by one of her other competitors Crispen Kadiramwando who is also the ZAS Livestock section Chairperson was not abiding by the rules as it had been bred in Namibia.Matimba allegedly acknowledged the complaints and promised to investigate the matter meanwhile Kadiramwando would no longer be participating.

Ndhlukula was later surprised to discover the livestock was still in the run for the prize,as he claimed he owned the animals and bred them in Namibia.The other questionable deed in the competition was the fact that Kadiramwando is amongst the judges and has awarded himself the first prize prior although he also did not pay the required fees.

In a nutshell Ndhlukula has accused Crispen of abusing his office and depriving other exibitors in the same industry of giving it their all as the results are not legit and reforms are required to inspire and motivate farmers in Zimbabwe to continue working hard to participate at such competitions like the Zimbabwe Agricultural Show.

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