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Mnangagwa Urges SADC Member States To lnnovate


President Emmerson Mnangagwa has implored SADC member states to innovate in the quest to leapfrog the SADC Industrialization agenda.

Speaking during his presentation at the 7th SADC Summit Public Lecture at the University of Zimbabwe, President Mnangagwa said that Sadc member states should position themselves to lift their people to prosperity.
“Our SADC Bloc has to position itself strategically to convert the realities of both domestic and global events into economic and business opportunities that lift our people into greater prosperity.

Mnangagwa further urged the member states to wean themselves from the dependency syndrome.

”The region should never play second fiddle in the arena of international economic relations. Leveraging on our combined resource endowments and human capacities the region must emerge as a competitive economic Bloc with the requisite capabilities to produce a wide array of goods and services.

Mnangagwa said innovators should lead in the import substitution
“As SADC member states, we have all it takes to succeed.”
The President also implored timely research and innovation arguing that timely research will lead to new business and trade opportunities.

“Through appropriate and timely research as well as relevant science, technology and innovation, new business and trade opportunities should be created for SADC to become a key player in the world of today and that of the future”.

The 7th SADC public lecture at the University of Zimbabwe follows a series of other high-level meetings and conferences preceding the 44th SADC heads of states and government summit which is supposed to be held on the 17th of August in Harare.

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