
Gvt Addresses Influenza-Like Illness 

 Influenza-like illness in Zimbabwe  was clarified from the Minister of Health and Child care, Dr Douglas Mombeshora addressing the nation that it is not a Covid-19 outbreak but a seasonal phenomenon due to the winter season.
According to the cabinet briefing, the recent increase in influenza like illness experienced in the past few weeks is due to a seasonal increase of this winter season.
“Cabinet advises that the recent increase in influenza-like illness experienced in the last few weeks is due to a seasonal increase which is usually experienced in the country and region as we approach the winter season. This is not a COVID-19 outbreak, but a seasonal phenomenon experienced during the winter season.” He said
“There were more influenza cases at the same period in 2023 (149 000) compared to 2024 (99 000). Zimbabwe has not recorded a single COVID-19 case in the last 4 weeks”
 In the cabinet briefing yesterday, Dr Mombeshora indicated that the most affected people were the elderly, children under the age of five and the pregnant women.
“People succumb to this influenza virus every year, and mostly children under the age of five, because their immune system has not yet matured, putting them at risk. Adults with underlying medical conditions that weaken their immune system, as well as elderly people over the age of 65, whose immune system weakens with age, also succumb to this virus. This is because their ability to fight off other diseases also becomes weaker, Pregnant women are also at risk” he said
People are however encouraged to wash their hands, avoid large crowds, cover mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, and stay at home when there are symptoms of the disease.

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