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Muzorewa  Calls For Spiritual Healing Of The Nation


Zimbabwean clergyman, politician and the president of the United African National Council (UANC) Gwiinyai Muzorewa advocates the need of spiritual healing of Zimbabwe to improve each individual’s willingness to improve the collective well being.

Addressing journalists at press conference held today in Harare Muzorewa said, ‘’ln our pursuit of national unity we need national healing and certain rituals must be performed if we expect real change that brings real unity  and real change hence there is urgent need for national healing”.

He added that, “The distributing of vehicles and cash to chiefs is only soothing not healing and our party is a party which values spiritual healing and will set up spiritual healing operation through  appropriate rituals and we can not accomplish spiritual healing single handedly hence we invite the nation”.


UANC pledges to cross party lines and promote constructive dialogue among political actors all in the spirit of nation building, theologies of love, justice, forgiveness and reconciliation so that the nation can be healed in all sectors of life.


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