General News

Mafume Condemns Council Officials’ Harassment of Vendors


Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume has spoken out against the alleged harassment of vendors by council officials, who have been accused of seizing goods and money without due process.

Addressing the issue during his State of the City address yesterday, Mafume emphasized the need for compassionate law enforcement and assured vendors that the council will assist those affected by these unfair practices.

“We are impressing upon our police that policing is not looting people’s goods. Even if they have committed an offense, don’t take their goods or money without a court process,” Mafume said.

“We need to police with a human manner. People work hard to buy goods so that they can make a living.”

The mayor’s comments come amid growing concerns about the treatment of vendors in Harare, many of whom have reported being harassed, intimidated, and having their goods confiscated by council officials.

The situation has been exacerbated by the current economic crisis in Zimbabwe, which has left many people struggling to make ends meet.

Mafume vowed to take a tough stance against corruption and deviance within the council, saying, “It is a wrong approach, and we will try to assist any and every vendor that has been affected. We will come down hard on corruption, using the precision of a butcher’s cleaver and the force of a hippopotamus to push away deviance.”

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