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Roger Federer Foundation Makes A Difference In Zim Education


When the name Roger Federer is mentioned many think of tennis and the tennis legend who retired recently having amassed the third highest number of grandslams at the time joint most 20 grand slams with rivals world number one Serbian Novak Djokovic and Spanish king of clay Rafael Nadal considered the greatest of all time alongside his nemesis and predecessor Pete Sampras whom he arguably retired when Roger entered the scene.

Now more than ever, Roger formed a foundation in his honour that is making a difference in the lives of millions all over the world who include Zimbabwean school going pupils.Deputy Minister of Primary and Secondary Education Hon Angeline Gata expressed gratitude to the Roger Federer foundation, partners and various government departments involved in the formulation of the Zimbabwe Early Learning policy (ZELP)
she recently launched in Kadoma.

Speaking exclusively to TechMag TV Deputy Minister Gata said,
“It is very encouraging to see the range of stakeholders and civil society partners here, indeed this is the best formula for policy success. The Global Partnership for Education, FCDO and the Roger Federer Foundation are also acknowledged for their technical and financial support to this key undertaking,” she said.

Zimbabwe Early Learning Policy is a coordination tool that is already strengthening Zimbabwe’s human capital development through acquisition of knowledge, values and attitudes acquired through an education system which prioritises early learning as the basis for other lifelong learning opportunities.

“This policy addresses the quality of teaching and learning, children’s health, nutrition and care, as well as family or community support. It also addresses financing and resource mobilisation, managing emerging situations in early learning, monitoring, evaluation and research requirements,” said deputy minister Gata.

ZELP also recognises the importance of equal access to inclusive early learning opportunities for all.

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