
Mabvuku Woman Earns From Manufacturing Perfumes



A Mabvuku woman is making a living by manufacturing perfumes at her house, Aidah Taguta of Mabvuku New stands has broken into uncharted waters of producing fragrances for both men and women.

But where did she learn this unique line of business? ” I was taught by my sister who learnt the trade in South Africa and I was still young doing form 2 when I was inspired and introduced to making perfumes. Now I can makes many types of perfumes and I am also teaching those interested in the business. I charge just US$20 for the training which is just for one day. The trainee has to buy own ingredients for another US$20. After training the trainee will have made perfumes to start his or her own business.

Taguta is encouraging women to venture into business, “I urge all women out there to venture into income generating projects.

Myself I didn’t want to be just a housewife with nothing else to do, here I am doing my own thing and helping my husband to raise the family”.

She further young women to venture into activities that generate even small amounts of profits for self empowerment.

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