General News

Transport Operators Call For The Regularization Of Pirate Taxis

Harare pirate taxi operators have called on the government to regularize their operations.
The call by pirate taxi operators comes after the country plunged into an economic crisis which has left many people wallowing from poverty.
The operators cited the current wave of economic hardships and the need to survive. They also pleaded with the relevant ministry, the Ministry of Transport to give them a listening ear so that they work together in avoiding risks and accidents in the country’s roads.
One of the pirate taxi operators had this to say, “Things are tough in the country we need to pay rentals, food, and school fees for the children. We need a voice that stands for us so that we can work freely”.
The transport system in our country is short that is the reason why people tend to choose taxis because it is faster. Now people are afraid to walk in town freely because the operation can start at any time.
“We are not thieves, we are not thieves, and we are trying to work like others are doing. Transport is limited in the country that’s why people choose to border lorries, this does not mean they don’t have money but there is no adequate transport in the country”, he said.
He added, “Some time ago we used to park on the bays and pay our parking fees, but these days it’s now different. What we need and want is to work together with the police and the city council so that we avoid accidents in the city.”

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