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Zim Entrepreneur Invents Sadza Cooker


Zimbabwean female entrepreneur Caroline Gundu has revolutionized the cooking of local stable food, sadza by inventing a sadza cooker.
The cooker mixes water and mealie meal inside a sealed container with a heating element and rotating paddle stirrer. It allows the appliance to set the temperature and cook in time.
The cooker makes it easy and fast to prepare sadza and porridge.
The Sadza Cooker produces consistently fluffy portions of sadza in a matter of minutes. This provides convenience around the world.
Gundu said the Sadza cooker is an eight-in-one electric gadget appliance which has the capacity to prepare a meal for up to 15 people; it has brought convenience to many concerning preparing traditional dishes.
“This makes life easier for those who are busy and cannot spend time in the kitchen, the cooker operates automatically.
“The machine can also cook rice, porridge, and stews using different accessories, offering the potential for a whole meal to be prepared at once,” said Gundu.

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