Zimbabwe has many cultures, languages, and tribes united under one flag and national anthem. It is a motherland with great resources, above and beneath our sacred soil.
Zimbabwe is one of the major producers of minerals in the African continent. The country has structured its foreign exchange needs and employment policies on mining.
President said, “To fully exploit the opportunities before us for the benefit of all, we must focus on nation-building”.
There is a divide in rule tactics perpetrated during colonialism, the concept refers to the strategy that breaks up political structures, prevents smaller power groups from linking up, and foments discord among the people to prevent rebellion against elites. He encourages unity among the people he said in a statement, “Let us all reject regionalism, tribalism, self-hate and all forms of violence”.
Everyone has a duty a responsibility to work harder with honesty and integrity to utilize the opportunities within us. This will help to increase production and productivity across all sectors of the economy. The developmental Philosophy which reads, “Nyika inovakwa, inotongwa, inonamatigwa nevene vayo”.
The nation is encouraged to cooperate and unite with those abroad. President said, “ Our national character of a united people must be exhibited by Zimbabweans in the diaspora. No matter where you are in the world, you must be united, you are one motherland, Zimbabwe”.