
Murder Cases On The Rise


The unlawful killings of another human without justification or valid excuse has turned out to be the worst nightmare ever in Zimbabwe because it has become one of the most terrifying things that is continuously happening on a daily basis.

Posting on their X account, the police have arrested a man in connection with a case of murder which occurred in Mabhiza Village.

”Police in Gokwe have arrested Mavis Murungwa (63) in connection with a case of murder which occurred at Mabhiza Village, Chireya on 26 November 2023 in which her husband, Tinaye Goka (63) died.”

The suspect and her sixteen-year-old daughter took turns hitting the victim with a log and cooking stick indiscriminately all over the body after a domestic dispute.

The victim had destroyed kitchen utensils and a goat pen built by the suspect, the victim was found dead near a borehole on the 27th of November 2023.

Meanwhile, police in Ruwa are investigating a case of murder which occurred at a house in Solomio Park, Ruwa on 27/11/23 where a male juvenile (16) stabbed Theionvus Mhungira (19) with a kitchen knife on the neck after a misunderstanding over an undisclosed issue.

Murder Suspect Arrested

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