The Minister of Energy and Power Development, Edgar Moyo said load shedding is set to ease in the coming days with Hwange Power Station’s Unit 7 expected to resume power generation this week.
In an interview, Moyo said the reduction of demand due to the closure of industries and schools for the festive season will also result in reduced load shedding.
“We expect to witness reduced demand for electricity as most industries and schools close for the annual holidays,” said Moyo.
Unit 7 tripped two weeks before it was due for Class C maintenance resulting in longer power cuts.
“Unit 7 will be synchronized this week by Tuesday or Wednesday following the completion of maintenance works,” added Minister Moyo.
The Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) had to combine the inspection and repair works of the actual displacement unit with the Class C maintenance which is set to be completed on Tuesday, 28 November.
“Generation at Kariba is very much depleted largely because of water inflows, we have not been able to import as much as we should be, because if we were importing, we would be filling in the gap,” said Moyo.
ZESA Executive Chairperson, Dr Sydney Gata revealed that Kariba South hydropower station currently generates 300 megawatts against an installed capacity of 1050 megawatts, owing to low water levels in the Zambezi River, which have seen the Zambezi River Authority restricting water allocations for power generation.
The situation is however set to improve during the rainy seaso