
Rural  Electrification To  Complete By June 2023

The Rural Energy  Agency ( REA) in Dar es Salaam,Tanzania announced on Thursday  that all 12, 318 villages across the country will be electrified by June 2024, marking a success finishing for a journey that was commenced three decades ago, this achievement a year ahead of the original 2025 plan , is expected to provide over 70 percent pf the rural population with access to electricity.
Acting director of REA Johnes Olotu expressed the agency’ s commitment for the completion of the electrification project ahead of schedule.
” The implementation of the project has currently reached an average of , 73 percent and we are confident that all villages will be fully electrified by June 2024.
The ambitious third phase of Round Two involves electrifying the remaining 4, 071 villages out of 12, 318 and the strategy encompasses the construction of 23,256kilometres of medium voltage power lines, 12,159 kilometers of low voltage power lines, the installation of 4,071 generators and connecting  approximately 258, 660″.
Following the electrification of all viges the agency is gearing up to extend electricity infrastructure to 36,101 hamlets not covered by the intial project and fum this expansion the government of Tanzania secured a low cost  loan of Sh100 billion from the IMF through Extended Credit Facility window.
The government of Tanzania in collaboration with the World Bank is financing this monumental project with a staggering amount of Sh1. 58 trillion.

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