The golden tobacco leaf is the country’s largest agricultural commodity export earner, its earnings for the past 10 months to November 10, 2023 shifted from 29,2 percent to just over US$ 1 billion compared to the same period last year.
Figures from the Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board (TIMB) as of November 10, Zimbabwe have exported 202 678 140kgs of the golden leaf valued at US$1 064 billion and the average price for the period was US$5,25per kg.
TIMB indicated that in preparation for the 2023/ 2024 planting season, 107 415 growers have been registered to grow the crop.
Prior to that, Zimbabwe Farmers Union (ZFU) Executive director Paul Zakariya said between 90 percent and 98 percent of the tobacco growers each successive season was contracted by foreign investors who have agents in the country.
TIMB further indicated that the golden leaf from Zimbabwe is also being exported to the European Union, Middle East, Europe and America.