
NBSZ Launches Blood Collection Campaign


The National Blood Services Zimbabwe (NBSZ) yesterday launched a campaign to collect blood from a target of 13,000 units between now and January 2024 to make sure enough reserves are going into the festive season.

NBSZ campaign aims to ensure the country does not run out of blood during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays when most road traffic accidents happen.

Speaking during the launch, NBSZ chief executive Lucy Marova encouraged citizens to donate blood to save lives owing to the increased number of road accidents in the festive season.

“We are starting this second week of November and our campaign will run up to the first week of January,” she said.

“We are targeting a collection of 13 370 units throughout the country.

“We estimate that this should be enough to take us through January. However, it is only possible when both adults and school leavers alike come together and donate blood.”

“Year in and year out, statistics show that during the festive season, the need for blood is heightened due to a lot of accidents that happen not only on the roads but also in our households.

“It is our responsibility to make sure that the nation has adequate stocks of blood during this festive season,” Marova said.

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