Self-styled and celebrated female gospel musician Ivy Kombo and her husband Pastor Admire Kasingakore have been arrested for fraudulently acquiring fake certificates to practice law in Zimbabwe.
The duo obtained Bachelor of Laws degrees in the United Kingdom which they went on to use locally without following appropriate procedures that one is supposed to follow. According to the justice system in Zimbabwe, if one acquires a Law degree outside the country, there are certain steps and examinations that one writes before being certified to practise here in Zimbabwe.
The two went to practice law in Zimbabwe with fake certificates which they acquired unlawfully.
Kombo and husband Kasingakore, who is the founder of UpperView International Ministries, were set to appear at the Magistrates’ court on Thursday afternoon to answer charges of fraud and perjury.
They were arrested by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission’s investigations crack team.
The couple was among 12 lawyers who were sworn and admitted at the High Court early this year, using certificates fraudulently obtained with the assistance of the suspended Council for Legal Education official.